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Our mission is to fulfill the great commission by making disciples to make disciples. With the careful learning of the word of God and faith we seek to build servant leaders of the church and mission for our generation and beyond.

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We strive to impart sound Bible based theological education to train future servant leaders such as pastors, missionaries and evangelists who are well equipped academically, geared to the needs of the church and the field in their context, and whose lives are prepared to be holy vessels for the Master’s noble purpose.

We Aim to Achieve This Mission Through:

  • Personal spiritual growth resulting in lives transformed into the likeness of Christ.
  • Disciplined lifestyle, applying in personal life the truths learned.
  • Faithful and diligent study of the Bible for a life-changing encounter with God and daily walk with Him.
  • Commitment to walk with God and serve others which ultimately prepares the student for ministry in the world.
  • Demonstrate exemplary lives in all respects.
  • Servant-hood, willing to be the least and ready to serve, looking at Christian ministry in terms of servant-hood.
  • Develop a world vision and passion for the lost.

Our Objective

  • To develop and enrich the student’s faith and commitment to Christ.
  • To help the students discover and develop their spiritual gifts and use them for God’s glory.
  • To help the student develop ministerial skills.
  • To train the student in servant leadership.
  • To equip the student for diverse kinds of ministry.
  • To help the student develop a disciplined lifestyle, holy living, surrendered life and life committed to mission.
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